I suspect the Brain Fibo checker is incorrect

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threeifbywhiskey     2014-09-06 00:43:29

link to the problem

Given the example inputs of "5 1 3" and an expected output of "4 7 11 18 29", the challenge is clearly to print the next N values of the sequence which starts with f0 and f1. However, my program which prints "1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55" for inputs of "9 0 1" is being judged incorrect.

Either there is a bug in the checker, or else the example output does not match what the checker is looking for. Please advise.

threeifbywhiskey     2014-09-06 04:12:31

Scratch that. I mistakenly assumed the stack operations were permitted.

Rodion (admin)     2014-09-06 04:58:54
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Ah, sorry, I'm afraid this misunderstanding occurs because of test-runner below the source submission area does not restrict extra operations... I hope I can invent something to improve this situation... Thank you for the message!

Matthew Cole     2015-02-03 05:45:06

I just had the same issue happen to me. When you get a chance can you update the problem statement to warn the programmer that the stack operations are disabled for this problem?

Rodion (admin)     2015-02-03 06:22:11
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Matthew, Hi!

Thanks a lot for the reminder. I've added warning to problem statement right now according to your advice!

Vladimir Skvortsov     2016-09-16 13:16:07
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I use only []+-:<> commands, my programm calculates correct values, but the checker always says "Wrong result for input: 9 0 1". Tell me please, what is wrong?

Quandray     2016-09-16 13:39:40
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It won't help you much, but the checker still marks my code as "Correct".

For 9 0 1 my code prints "1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55"

Vladimir Skvortsov     2016-09-16 14:07:11
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Thanks for your answer, Quandray! My program gives back the same values "1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55" if input was "9 0 1". But the problem is the cheker each time says "Wrong result for input: 9 0 1", for each different input. I don't understand why...

For example, my last try. Input data: "9 2 5", my answer: "7 12 19 31 50 81 131 212 343". Result: Your answer is Wrong! Expected answer was: Wrong result for input: 9 0 1

Quandray     2016-09-18 19:37:57
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If you want to e-mail me your code, I'll be happy to look at it.

Vladimir Skvortsov     2016-09-19 13:09:16
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Thank you again, Quandray! It would be great! Where can I find your e-mail adress?

Quandray     2016-09-20 10:43:52
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It's on a link from my profile

Vladimir Skvortsov     2016-09-20 17:33:40
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Sorry, but I can't find it. I've looked everywhere) Could you write your adress in here? Or maybe it will be better on skype? My contact is 'skvortsovvg'.

Quandray     2016-09-20 18:10:31
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Ok, here's a temporary e-mail address


Vladimir Skvortsov     2016-09-21 06:40:26
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I've sent my solution to you!

Vladimir Skvortsov     2016-09-21 11:34:54
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I've just solved this task. The key is to use ';' for input! I was trying to do it with increment '+'. Thanks a lot, Quandray, for your hint!

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