I suspect the Problem 156 Luhn Algorithm checker is (partially) incorrect

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ilikejam     2014-09-08 06:19:16

It seems whenever the last two values of the number need to be swapped (i.e. 1807886091865716 needs to be 1807886091865761 in order to be correct), the checker instead believes the second to last pair needs to be swapped (1807886091865176).

You can see this here: http://i.imgur.com/AmOqg4v.png?1

Or another case: http://i.imgur.com/dvAeJgH.png?1 where the correct solution is 2960785568942304

Rodion (admin)     2014-09-08 07:01:49
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Thanks for reporting this, I'll try to check it soon!

UPD Looks like your suspicion was pretty correct!

I believe I've found and fixed the cause of this bug now. Thank you once more!

nicolas_patrois     2014-09-08 10:52:20
User avatar

I encountered the same bug.

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