Problem 63 - Arent you guys pushing a bit too far?

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MPadilla     2017-04-09 19:58:53
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Guys I have tried solving the integer factorization problem in Python using a Erasthothenes sieve and have multiple times run into memory errors. Are you sure 13 digits numbers are not a bit too far for the common user's computer? Wikipedia says that there's not efficient algorithm to solve the problem

Just a thought and would like your perceptions.

MPadilla     2017-04-09 20:17:58
User avatar

Never mind, I was just browsing the forum and found something related here:

An user suggest a certain upper bound for prime generation, I modified the algorithm to take that into account and it worked in 2 seconds.

MPadilla     2017-04-09 21:51:01
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Never mind once again. The problem still remains.

Mohamed Aziz     2017-04-10 12:03:02
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@MPadilla, but why are you searching primes, instead of just factorizing the number, please refer to this page

jovub     2017-04-27 09:56:04

I had a similar problem recently and what seemed to solve memory issues for me was using a generator expression for the sieve (in Python).

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