Are there any ways to find the exact wrong answer?

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GeorgySerga     2015-11-13 11:45:54

I do try to solve the 22th problem. My problem is that I can check my algorithm on small numbers (and it gives me the correct result), but I can't be sure about large numbers(and can't pass the test :). Are there any ways to find out what answers are wrong exactly through the system? Thank you.

Rodion (admin)     2015-11-13 12:01:28
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I believe that on the page which you see after submitting the task - i.e. one stating your solution was incorrect - there should be either small buttons or links which allow to show the "expected result" or something like this...

Or are you asking about something different?

GeorgySerga     2015-11-13 12:14:00

Thank you again for a quick answer. Actually I wasn't able to find it, may be I was careless. The thing is - my solution appeard to be 'Correct', so - there were a bad input, code copying or an input which brakes my or system's algorithm. I don't know if system saves all the previous submits to check it.

Thank you once again.

Rodion (admin)     2015-11-13 18:18:29
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>I don't know if system saves all the previous submits to check it.

No, I'm sorry - for I sometimes regret about this - but there is no such functionality. To save all inputs / outputs - it will take too much memory. Perhaps I will implement temporary storage one day, however... Thank you for feedback!

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