Avatars in User Profiles

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Rodion (admin)     2015-06-18 20:44:02
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Since beginning the site was lacking user avatars - small pictures in profiles.

Today I decided to start fixing this. Right now you can visit your settings page and enter the link to image (you can upload picture to http://postimage.org if you do not have it on the web).

Image is expected to be JPEG or PNG and of size between 100 and 300 pixels, preferably square.

Currently it is only shown on the profile page itself, like in these two:
TestUser and RodionGork but I'm going to make it shown (in smaller size) also in ranking page, forums and probably somewhere else along with usernames.

Hope this may help you to express your personality better.

P.S. sorry for there is no option to upload images to site itself - but tests show they will work slower in this case.

Moff     2015-06-19 05:29:45
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I can't set 200*200 PNG image, server says "Please provide a link to square JPG image between 100*100 and 300*300 pixels"

I've update avatar by JPG image, but it's not a good solution.

My images:



Rodion (admin)     2015-06-19 06:57:18
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I agree, it is not good. I'll try to research this matter with the help of your links, thank you!

Meanwhile avatars become displayed in the ranking table - well, currently only your picture is here, but it is already better than none :)

P.S. I also found that settings page has "old" design, I should take care of this too.

UPD: I hope I've found the cause of the bug (I used wrong constants for comparison with image type) and it should work for PNG from now.

Guy Gervais     2015-06-19 16:00:56
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This is cool. For mine I use an objective evaluation of the code I post in my solutions. :)

Rodion (admin)     2015-06-23 11:15:33
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Now avatars should be included in the forum posts too. Only Admin could not have an avatar. Looser :)

> For mine I use an objective evaluation of the code I post in my solutions.

I was a bit surprised because I myself used Grumpy Cat as a skype avatar for some period of time!

TestUser     2015-06-23 11:17:39
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> Only Admin could not have an avatar. Looser

Really. This sounds bit stupid :-o

PurpleAnteater     2020-08-26 23:25:27
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Thanks, to be honestly i've been tring to install the image for long time :{D

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