Problem 108 - What does the step mean?

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RenYuntao     2015-10-05 12:38:20
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My native language is not English,but usually I can understand what the problem mean.However, for problem 108,i.e. Star Medals, I can't understand what the follows mean:

Suppose the star has N rays (each ending with a point) and its line segments connect the points with the step of T. As an example you see above the typical pentagram - the star with 5 points connected with the step of 2

What does the connected with the step of 2 mean?Thank you in advance.

Rodion (admin)     2015-10-05 13:01:11
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Hi! thanks for your question.

Step is how we calculate to which point the line should go next. E.g. if we have 7-point star, step of size 1 means that index of the point is increased by 1 each time, so we connect 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-1. If it is 2 we connect them like 1-3-5-7-2-4-6-1 etc.

The page should have a small demo above the text where you can try different values for number of points and for step (e.g. 7 1, then 7 2, then 7 3) to get better idea if my explanations are clumsy.

RenYuntao     2015-10-05 13:27:07
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I got it,thank you very much!

mooninvader     2020-06-11 18:23:44

thank you... you should include this explanation in the problem

mooninvader     2020-06-11 18:46:20

only by viewing the sequence above we se that the solution can be resumed in a very simple formula thanks again

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