[190] Query String Parameters

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go_coder     2015-04-04 01:22:15

FYI, the checker for problem 190 can send invalid values such as year=1995&month=9&day=31.

That is 1995-09-31 and doesn't exist. Since handling of such values wasn't specified, the results should be considered undefined ("garbage in = garbage out", and not a valid check). Some software could (correctly) either reject this or "normalize" it to 1995-10-01.

frosty     2017-11-07 14:44:31

help I can't solve this problem:

here is my website - http://karlor.servebeer.com:8000/

Quandray     2017-11-07 20:21:40
User avatar

I think you may have to use port 80 for this problem.

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