Please add Turkish character support for name

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Erhan Alankus     2015-05-15 06:37:47

Hi. I logged in with my github account so I can't change my name. Last letter of my last name is a Turkish specific character 'ş' and it is not displayed.

Rodion (admin)     2015-05-17 06:23:35
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Erhan, Hi!

Thank you for your message! I tried to add the functionality of changing names to github-registered accounts. Could you please test it?

Currently I'm not ready to add support of national characters to names - both for some technical issues - and because probably not all people would be glad to see other's names in Cyrillic or Chinese :)

Erhan Alankus     2015-05-17 08:01:40

I changed my name. Thank you very much.

I don't think people will care much about seeing other people's names in their national characters as long as it is clear to them that it is their username.

Thanks again.

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